Download Free Update to Android 13, 12, 11, 10 0, 9.0, 8.01,7.01,6.01,5.01
It is based on AOSP and provides very close to Pixel look and feel. This Havoc OS ROM is material design-focused, fully-featured yet simple to use. There are tons of Customization features added to the ROM, from the status bar to quick setting, you can literally change anything. Well, it is highly likely that the […]
Download Free Update to Android 13, 12, 11, 10 0, 9.0, 8.01,7.01,6.01,5.01
It is based on AOSP and provides very close to Pixel look and feel. This Havoc OS stock ROMs ROM is material design-focused, fully-featured yet simple to use. There are tons of Customization features added to the ROM, from the status bar to quick setting, you can literally change anything. Well, it is highly likely […]